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How “Beauty Sleep” Improves Your Skin

Western Dermatology
September 18, 2024

Don’t underestimate the advantages of beauty sleep for making you look youthful and healthy. Research has shown that millions of Americans don’t get enough sleep at night. Along with contributing to other health problems, such as weight gain, getting less than seven hours sleep on most nights might also be causing your skin to suffer. As we all know, even just a few nights of tossing and turning can lead to dark circles, puffy eyelids, and an overall more haggard and worn-out appearance. If you want your skin and hair to look more refreshed, you need about seven to eight hours of quality sleep. The REM sleep that occurs in the middle of the night is the most essential type of sleep of all. While considering advanced treatments designed for skin rejuvenation at our Albuquerque, NM, practice, the team at The Spa @ Western Dermatology Consultants recommends making changes to your lifestyle that will promote healthier skin. Here are some reasons why getting some shut-eye is great for your complexion. 

Your Skin Goes into Repair Mode

As we all know, our skin faces constant adversity from everything from dust, pollution, and the force of gravity to harsh chemicals, temperature fluctuations, and sun exposure. When you’re sleeping, your skin has the opportunity to repair damage sustained during the daytime. Cell turnover happens at a faster rate when you’re asleep, and the skin is also building new collagen. 

A More Even Complexion 

Is your skin looking blotchy, sallow, or discolored? Instead of using makeup to conceal it, getting a good night’s sleep can help, because proper rest promotes healthy blood circulation. This brings beneficial oxygen and nourishment where it’s needed. 

Fewer Breakouts

Even noticed that you have your worst breakouts when you’re stressed? When you’re sleep deprived, levels of a stress hormone called cortisol that can have bad effects on your skin increase. This triggers activity in sebaceous glands, causing excess production of oil that may contribute to acne breakouts. Levels of cortisol drop when we’re sleeping, which means less oil production when you’re rested.

Warn more tips for glowing skin? Learn about how cosmetic treatments like microdermabrasion and other techniques for skin rejuvenation at The Spa @ Western Dermatology Consultants can help you reduce blemishes and enjoy smoother, clearer skin. Call us at 505-855-9267 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

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